
Jacques and Marianne Miller founded Stone Mountain Zendo in 1979. Since that time the zendo has grown and its leadership has changed, first from the Millers to Fr. Jim Welsh and then to Richard Takugan Normand who was recognized as a Dharma Holder by Roshi Genro Gauntt of The Hudson River Valley Zen Group.

Stone Mountain Zendo offers traditional Zen meditation practice and a community of support for all who wish to explore the Buddha’s teachings: eliminating personal confusion, diminishing suffering and cultivating compassion in our daily life.

We gather for zazen on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as well as Saturday mornings and most Thursday Evenings. We also plan occasional half-day sittings and longer meditation retreats as well as guest teachers from around the region.

Our members come from a wide range of faiths, backgrounds and physical capabilities. No preliminary training or long preparation is necessary to join us. In Zen, meditation is both the means and the end.

Stone Mountain Zendo | Founded in 1979